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Southampton Drive, Springfield

Looking west on Braddock Road at Southampton Drive

Though not a disconnected sidewalk issue, this intersection of Southampton Drive at Braddock Road poses dangers to pedestrians. Trust me: I encountered it last night.

Turning from northbound Southampton onto westbound Braddock (from the right in the picture above) last night, there was traffic stopped at the signal to my right and left, a car heading toward me on southbound Southampton from the Canterbury Woods neighborhood into the Kings Park neighborhood, and a pedestrian in the near crosswalk. What I didn't see were two darkly dressed pedestrians in the far crosswalk, blocked from view by the oncoming car. Fortunately I stopped short before entering the crosswalk.

This is a difficult intersection for walkers: eight lanes of road, a center turning lane, and a median. Making it worse is the lack of nighttime illumination: there is only one streetlight (in red circle). And it's a busy intersection: note the Metrobus stop circled in blue. With a traffic signal support on each corner and electrical power to each, there's great potential for safety enhancements.